

如果您开始使用本项目,即视为同意项目免责声明中的一切条款,条款更新不再另行通知。开发者仅接受和捐赠者之间不构成购买或雇佣关系的捐赠或者赞赏。 如果您选择捐赠此项目,我们会列出一份捐赠者名单(包含捐赠金额,日期),但不会公布您的捐赠账号。如果您选择捐赠,那么我将视之为您完全自愿的,没有任何雇佣,购买关系的捐赠。

The project is completely open source, free, and is for technical learning and communication only. The developer team does not authorize any organization, organization, or individual to use it for commercial or profitable activities. Never use this project for any profitable activities. It will not be used for profit-making business in the future. Individuals or organizations and organizations that use the various disputes arising from the project and legal issues shall be borne by themselves.

If you start using this project, you are deemed to agree to all the terms in the project disclaimer, and the terms are updated without further notice. Developers only accept donations or appreciations that do not constitute a purchase or employment relationship with the donor. If you choose to donate this item, we will list a list of donors (including donation amount, date), but will not announce your donation account. If you choose to donate, then I will treat you as completely voluntary, without any employment, donation of the relationship.